
Mon, Mar

Participate in End-of-Year MSP Survey + Amazon Card*

Geek Speak

Happy Holidays Everyone –

Here is your opportunity to participate in our last survey for 2016. This is focused on MSPs and allows you to help us discover how you work with certain technologies and solutions. We will share with the results with the participants so we’re all enriched with this crowd sourcing exercise!

Good news! The first 100 participants will receive a ten dollar ($10 USD) Amazon gift card. Enjoy a purchase on Amazon on us – perhaps that favorite set of songs you’d like to acquire.

This survey runs from December 18, 2016 to January 15, 2017 so don’t delay your participation – complete the survey here.

Thank you for your participation and enjoy a wonderful holiday season!

Harry Brelsford

PS – here is the link to complete the survey.