After a long career in law Jack Isaacs has decided to pursue his passion in private equity.  Jack has opened up a private equity firm that targets technology firms as they tend to be the ones that grow quickly time and time again.

With many companies juggling so many pieces within their business from back office to front office activities, PSA tools help to establish a constant process for planning, managing, and measuring the performance of each project throughout its lifecycle. 

In a new era of social responsibility, people are becoming more and more knowledgeable about the companies they purchase from.  With customer research skyrocketing, knowledge becoming readily available, and accessibility at the tips of everyone’s fingers,

When you think about your career, and or building businesses the idea that our technology skills are enough goes through many people’s minds.  The idea that if we are good at technology our career and or businesses should flourish off of our technical skills

The SBA has decided that all PPP loans $50,000.00 or less will be able to apply for forgiveness using a simplified application (3508S).  This action will help ease some of the burden on the PPP lenders allowing, lenders to process forgiveness applications

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