We have exclusively learned that within the next few hours, Microsoft intends to launch a site that is designed to attract professionals to become teachers. This information was revealed to SMB Nation today by internal Microsoft sources at a private summit, which Harrybbb is attending in the Executive Briefing Center at Microsoft Redmond.
Here’s what we have learned so far:
A year ago, February 22, 2012, the U.S. Department of Education (Department) transferred ownership and operation of The TEACH Campaign (TEACH), including the recruiting effort and the maintenance and operation of the Web Portal to Microsoft. Microsoft was selected as the winning applicant that responded to the Department’s notice inviting proposals to take ownership and operation of TEACH that was filed in the Federal Register on Tuesday, April 19, 2011 at http://www.gpo.gov/fdsys/pkg/FR-2011-04-19/pdf/2011-9485.pdf. TEACH.gov then changed to TEACH.org around April 11th 2012.
Today – the site is on the verge of a significant re-launch. The intentions of the site are to recruit new teachers. This is an “exercise” in alignment with the Microsoft “Voices For Innovation” (VFI) political trade association [http://www.voicesforinnovation.org/]. VFI is very interested in promoting STEM jobs and other employment and education-related initiatives. Visit teach.org. (Great domain name!).
What’s does that mean for SMB partners? Two things: In a tongue and cheek manner, those that “Can’t” become teachers (LOL)…so if your MSP practice is dwindling, consider becoming a teacher. But seriously – when the day arrives that I can take the pay cut to become