Yesterday, the Live Information Technology Consulting Group, LLC, a Fort Worth, TX-based managed services and cloud services consultant, announced that it has been named to the Microsoft Partner Network’s US SMB Champions Club.
The US SMB Champions Club is designed to acknowledge the hard work of Microsoft’s top-performing IT Consultants. LiveIT explained that most of the partners in the US SMB Champions Club are opting to take a “cloud first” approach to their consultancy.
LiveIT was honored due to a proven track record of helping SMBs gain the technology they need to stay competitive.
“Business excellence is something we strive for everyday. We look forward to expanding our relationships utilizing the Microsoft line of products,” said Garrett Downs, co-founder of LiveIT Consulting Group. “Microsoft’s US SMB Champions Club helps partners take their business to the next level by offering special access to marketing development funds, Microsoft Store business develop opportunities, Bing Ad Credits and more. LiveIT Consulting Group is a Texas-based provider of Information Technology and Technology Infrastructure services and support. We provide direct support services, from simple professional service projects, to supplementing IT departments, to fully managed environments. We also provide a number of foundational services through LiveIT Cloud™.”