N-able Launches ‘How To’ Biz Playbook on MSP Revenue Strategies

Geek Speak

Mike CullenN-able by SolarWinds has launched what is reportedly the industry's first MSP Playbook, which delivers best practices and step-by-step business and technology guidelines

to MSPs worldwide. Designed as an end-to-end business plan, the new MSP Playbook is valued at more than $50,000 and provides new and established MSPs with the checks and balances needed to build and maintain a successful managed services practice.Now available exclusively to N-able partners worldwide for a fee, the new MSP Playbook complements N-able's N-central RMM and MSP service automation platform and covers nearly every aspect of the MSP business model. The e-book dives deep into the best practices, growth strategies and proven tactics of today's most successful MSPs, providing a roadmap for delivering high performance, proactive managed services. A preview of N-able's MSP Playbook can be found here.

With more than 13 chapters, N-able's MSP Playbook details how to build, buy or outsource a network operations center (NOC), how to price services, organize a winning sales and support team, and optimize profits and maximize recurring revenues. The book also covers how to choose a professional services automation (PSA) tool, and provides a number of sample agreements and service level agreements (SLA) to jump-start MSP efforts in these areas with proven strategies for success.

"N-able's MSP Playbook is a tell-all reader's guide for becoming one of the world's most successful MSPs," says Mike Cullen, senior vice president of sales, N-able. "With the MSP Playbook we've documented and detailed everything an MSP needs to know and do to establish, grow and scale a profitable services practice and deliver 100% IT coverage with ease, efficiency and measurement."

The new e-book follows the launch of N-able's MSP Business and Technician Runbooks and builds on the success of the company's Blueprint for Success and Report Manager offerings.