Support SMB Nation!

Geek Speak

It’s our annual giving campaign and we want to take a moment to thank you for your support. Supporting SMB Nation over the past 15+ years has allowed us to act as your independent ombudsman in the small and medium-business technology arena. We’re all in this together!

Please support us as you are able. Your generous support helps us to tackle the tough stories with bona fide authenticity. If you value our voice, click on the donate button below. A suggested amount is $25.


Need an example of the no-cost advocacy that your support allows? Look at our free-of-charge workshops over the past three years! We produce more events than any other SMB community. And our commitmnt to real pure knowlege-based academic content is very strong, as you know. 

  • 2016 Office 365 and Windows 10 Roadshow for MSPs/CSPs/Resellers (1H2016:

    1. Redmond
    2. NY
    3. Atlanta
    4. Chicago
    5. Washington DC
    6. Charlotte
    7. LA
    8. SF
    9. Phoenix
    10. PLUS Additional Nine (9) Cities in 2h2016!
  • 2015 Windows 10 launch events for resellers/MSPs  (5 events):

    1. New York City, New York – June 2nd 2015
    2. Los Angeles, California – June 9th 2015
    3. Redmond, Washington – June 16th 2015
    4. Fort Lauderdale, Florida – June 23rd 2015
    5. Austin TX – June 25th 2015
  • 2014 Worldwide Modern Tour  (24-cities in 23-countries: )

    1. Auckland, New Zealand 3/27/2014
    1. Bangalore, India 6/10/2014
    2. Cape Town, South Africa 5/22/2014
    3. Dubai, United Arab Emirates 5/8/2014
    4. Dublin, Ireland 4/23/2014
    5. Hong Kong, China 3/21/2014
    6. Istanbul, Turkey 5/13/2014
    7. Johannesburg, South Africa 5/20/2014
    8. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia 3/17/2014
    9. Madrid, Spain 5/6/2014
    10. Manila, Philippines 3/19/2014
    11. Mexico City, Mexico 4/1/2014
    12. Milan, Italy 6/13/2014
    13. Mississauga, ON, Canada 6/4/2014
    14. Montréal, QC, Canada 6/6/2014
    15. Moscow, Russia 5/22/2014
    16. Prague, Czech Republic 5/21/2014
    17. Reading, United Kingdom 4/1/2014
    18. Sao Paulo, Brazil 3/20/2014
    19. Singapore, Singapore 3/14/2014
    20. Stockholm, Sweden 5/27/2014
    21. Sydney, Australia 3/25/2014
    22. Taipei, Taiwan 4/29/2014
    23. Warsaw, Poland 6/4/2014
  • 2013 Windows XP EOL “Million Mile" Tour (44-workshops in 22 cities)

Thank you for supporting the SMB Nation family in 2016! And thank you for your trust!