Francois New Gig: NinjaRMM CRO

Geek Speak


Readers will recall the popular Microsoft Small Business Specialist Community (SBSC) partner program last decade. Beatrice Mulzer and I did a couple books on the topic, in particular focused on passing  the MCP certification exams. One of the players in that motion was Microsoft executive Francois Daumard (who worked with the SBSC program 2007-2011 and still admires the SBSC partner loyalty). This piece is about where is Francois now?!?!?


For the record. Daumard recently exited eFolder and has joined NinjaRMM as the Chief Revenue Officer (CRO). He is also the Vice Chairman for the CompTIA Vendor Advisory Council. In fact I had a 1:1 with Daumard on the floor, in the NinjaRMM booth, at the recent ChannelCon event in Austin TX in early August.

RMM History

“I have a history with RMMs. When I was at AVG (post-Microsoft), it had recently acquired Level Platforms, arguably one of the first RMM tools for partners. I have been tracking NinjaRMM for some time and I realized that they (Ninja RMM) 'get it' when it comes to remote management and monitoring.” Daumard shared.


Harry and Francios Daumard at the CompTIA ChannelCon show in Austin, TX (Augusut, 2017).

Value Proposition

What is the NinjaRMM unique value proposition? “Our support is US-based. Many partners do not want off-shore or near-shore support. They want American support. And this support is free - we don't nickel and dime partners.” Daumard intimated. “Training is free too. All unlimited. The CEO does not view support as a cost. He views it as value. Cutting costs by cutting support is a non-starter.”

“And there are no contracts. A lot of vendors like to lock down partners with long-term contracts. We are to the contrary as we feel long-term contracts are not the right way to do business.”

So how does NinjaRMM make money? “We are lean. We're growing via share shifting and net new organic growth. I've yet to find a non-NinjaRMM partner who is super happy with his RMM. Even here at the CompTIA ChannelCon show today, I haven't found any. Let's face it. Partners have to live with an RMM. Sometimes the experience is OK. Or OK+ or OK-. But it's not a WOW effect. With respect to the NinjaRMM business model, it's simple. It's a predictable pay-per-device play.” Daumard asserted. “Also at ChannelCon - I have found a few partners who are not using an RMM. They understand the need to.”

“Again, at NinjaRMM, I saw a company invented by people who get it! And because it's built from the ground up as a SaaS solution, the MSP has a great experience. It's not a legacy product revised for SaaS. We want to create the WOW effect. Because we are WOW - we are taking share from other RMM providers.”

Strategic agreements

Domond share that “…we are a 21st-century platform and designed to integrate with other partners, ISVs and solutions. We are partnered in different categories. AV/Security with Webroot for example. Other categories include backup, remote session, PSA, etc. for example, we offer Webroot via NinjaRMM and for the partner, this is a transparent transaction.” Daumard said.

Single pane of glass (management console)

“We want to make the single pane of glass management experience a reality. The challenge is this. Each vendor touts having a single pane of glass.  But from the MSP perspective, the reality is multiple single panes of glass. Because NinjaRMM has integration built-in (via APIs), from the start, we can be the one dashboard combining all the single panes of glass.” Daumard offered.

UI Shout Out!

"It’s super slick and beautiful.” Daumard said. “Note that built-in to the UI is a place for users to enter community feedback.”


Release 2.14 came out in late July, 2017. This was advanced Webroot integration, third-party patching, Macintosh script support (Daumard worked at Apple after leaving Microsoft so no surprise here - look for more Apple integrations in the future), and the ability to interact from the command line. Finally, this release had integration with Splashtop. The roadmap is user inspired and nothing else.  Don’t forget IoT. That was a big theme of ChannelCon this year. “Of course we are interested in IoT.” Daumard concluded. “Standby for more.”