Holiday Geek Greetings!

Geek Speak

If you have participated in SMB Nation for any length of time, hopefully you’ll know that we ascribe to an abundance philosophy that is DNA-driven and impacts everything we do. It’s a big blue ocean and there is happyholidaysenough for everyone to harvest.

The harvest can take on different forms including monetary rewards (of course) and other forms of goodness. And the big blue ocean doesn’t just have to be the SMB channel segment as there are other sectors. So join us in celebrating opportunities this holiday season.

Figure 1: Geek Out over the Holidays!
With profound gratitude, we appreciate you! We are thankful for your support of SMB Nation and how we roll. Hopefully we are relevant each and every day to what you want, need and hope for as a managed services provider (MSP), consultant, geek and IT Pro. It’s because of you that we’re hire, above ground, and striving and thriving. We wish the same for you this holiday season.
So however you celebrate the traditional holiday season, enjoy! Looking forward to a transformational 2019!!!