Geek Humor – Dogs v. Cats

Geek Speak

I recently conducted a limited investigation of dogs v. cats. The focus was food. The methodology was an on-site visit to a grocery store to compare similar treats for both dogs and cats. The baseline results were the cat food was nearly 29% (28.6807% to be exact) more expensive.

This was calculated, as seen in the pictures below. The dog kibbles/treats were $4.48 and the cat kibbles/treats were $5.98. What does it mean?  On the surface, cats are more expensive than dogs. But I have questions.

Are food manufactures profiting off the deep love and affection cat owners have and will pay whatever it takes to keep Maggie the Calico Cat happy?

Is this simple price gouging in an inflationary environment.

Do food manufacturers like dogs better than cats?

At a higher-level, are dogs truly better than cats – a question that goes back to the start of time?

digs cats 2


dogs cats 1



While I don’t have all the answers, I can share that my experience is the dogs and cats are different. I’ve owned both. On the one hand you could argue that cats are more expensive than dogs. But on the other hand, cats take far less care and maintenance than dogs.

Bottom line – it’s all about what your preferences are and that’s an individual choice.

SECRET – I bought the dog treats and have been feeding these to Maggie the Calico cat. She can’t tell the difference LOL and just wants treats.

As for me – I love the companionship of both dogs and cats.
