How to Leverage Content

Analytics/ Analysis

Since most of the world has been living virtually many companies are increasingly using webinars to host virtual events, lectures, presentations and training events.   Although,  many companies are leveraging virtual meetings and trainings to deliver content they are making the mistake of approaching these events as one-off events.  The fact is that the materials from these webinars contain highly educational content that can be used in so many different ways. 

From tweets, to content articles, and even eBooks the content that comes from these virtual events is highly valuable and we need to maximize it.  We meet with Ben Baker of Communicate Your Why as he shares with us the power of content. 

Ben Baker


Video Transcriptions

Harry Brelsford 

A nation nation back with Ben Baker out of Canada with what's your story? Happy New Year. How're you doing?

Ben Baker 

I'm doing great. Harry, always great to see you again.

Harry Brelsford 

Great. So last time, we kind of did a hello world about the power of podcasts last quarter. So let's double click into how to leverage content. Go for it.

Ben Baker 

Yeah, it's interesting, because most people look at a podcast is one and done. Okay, I was on a podcast, you know, I have this 10 minute podcast, 20 minute podcast, hour long podcast, whatever, put it out the universe and forget about it. Yeah, well, what people forget is that 30 minute podcast is 6000 words of content. And it's 30 minutes worth of probably five or six really good short videos, audio grams, there's tweaks that can come out of there, there's, you know, you can write small blog posts about this, you can read articles, I've put 12 podcast, episodes together written a book. So it's amazing the things that you can do. When you think about it, you take that podcast, and you cut it up into little pieces. And you can utilize it on LinkedIn, on Twitter, on Facebook, on Instagram on tick tock, there's so many different things that you can do with it, just by utilizing that one episode. And, and I think that's something that most people just are not doing today. Yeah.

Harry Brelsford 

And I'm not sure I'm even doing a good job. It took me a long time to really get my arms around the the idea of the reuse of content, right, I generated a lot writing the technical books on Windows Server, and so on and never really did a good job. And you know, this is back in the day, the thick bucks right at Barnes and Noble.

Ben Baker 

Yeah, the ones the doors open, or you could put underneath your monitor. Yeah, exactly. It

Harry Brelsford 

never really did a good job. And then somehow, being a media integration company known as SMB Nation, we started to do more of that, right that the podcast, like I'm doing with you then becomes an article in the Sunday paper, and it becomes a blog post. And then it becomes a LinkedIn submission. And so we're doing a better job, but I'll tell you, then I'm still not doing a great job. The last book I wrote was a rewrite of how this book is now called the pocket MBA, how to be an entrepreneur. It's a rewrite of a book I did and oh three about how to be a Small Business Server consultant, because there weren't many business books in the technical community. And, you know, this is a, I think it's pushing us 400 pages 350, that's a hell of a lot of content, I should be doing a better job of leveraging that.

Ben Baker 

I mean, because that's the thing is that we create this long form piece of content. And we don't think about it, we don't think about how many micro moments or within any piece of content that we create, you're right. Even if you, if you write an article, you write a 2000 word, or you write a 2000 word article, within that 2000 article, there are you know, social media memes that you can create, there's tweets that you could put out, you could create a smaller posts out of that, you can put two or three of those together, and it can become a white paper, it's it's a matter of being able to maximize the content that you're already creating. Because all of us whether we think about it or not, are creating an enormous amount of content. We just don't realize how to maximize it. And I think that's the thing. And it's a matter of sit there going, Okay, some people are gonna want to listen to the whole podcast, some people just want to three minutes snippet, some people just want to look at an image and go, Oh, okay, I get that. So it's a matter of going out to different audiences with the same piece in a different way. And having different hooks. Yep,

Harry Brelsford 

yep. Exactly. Well, let's make that the final word this quarter. We'll get you back next quarter. And I want to talk about trends if you if you could do me a favor. And with all the podcasts you do the podcast you observe. What do we talk to you next quarter, let's talk about what's trending and what's not right, whether it's behavioral or topics or whatever, I think that'd

Ben Baker 

be cool. I think we could have a lot of fun with that.

Harry Brelsford 

All right. All right. Well take care of the great white north, as they say, What was that TV show of Monty Python?

Ben Baker 

So it wasn't my Python. It was it was called Bob and Doug McKenzie. There we go. Alright, let's

Harry Brelsford 

see you next quarter.

Ben Baker 
