Story by Evans -
Facebook is the largest social platform on the internet with over one billion users with more than 1/4 of its
I have find out an easy way to find out who visited your facebook profile to make you track those that have been visiting your profile and your stalkers. It’s very easy as it involves only a few steps. Please be informed that I am teaching this for people to know who mostly visit their profile and I’m not intending to promote any bad thing or product.
How to find out who visited my Faceboook Profile.
Let’s get started
1 Log into your Facebook account and visit your profile
2.Right click on your timeline and select open view page source. You will be taken to a new page
3. Here, Press CTLR+F and a new dailogue box will open on the right corner of your screen
4. Search for the word “Initialchatfriendslist”. without quotation marks
5. You will now see numerous ids which are nothing but only profile ids of those who visited your facebook profile
Identification numbers of those who visited your Facebook profile are the figures right before the “-0”, “-1”, “-2”, or “-3”. For example, “100003206416069-2” 100003206416069 <-This is the identification number of the person that visited my facebook profile.