We’re back on short notice with DD Dasgupta, Vice President, Marketing, SMB Products at Cisco to double-click into how Cisco has a unique end-to-end secure solution for remote workers. Take Cisco security expertise and then add WebEx and you get the picture. Listen to this interview HERE for the dets.

Long-time SMB Nation member Wayne Turmel is always one step ahead. You’ll recall Turmel worked extensively with us about a decade ago helping up improve the quality of our weekly webinar and coaching our guests to be better presenters (at his old company GreatWebMeetings.com).

It’s a look back at the early stages of the Coronavirus pandemic when the decision was made on short notice to cancel the popular South-by-Southwest (SxSW) festival stranding 400,001 people (Harry is the “one”). What interest in this segment with Kevin hunter on TechTuesday (produced by Northwest Digital News)

I have a simple question: Would you rather be an entrepreneur or an employee right now?

My answer is simple – I’d rather be an entrepreneur. There are a lot of reasons to this.

Esteemed long-time SMB Nation contributor Joshua Liberman safely joins us from Alberque New Mexico after we had a meetup at the ChanelPro SMB Dallas event. We discuss a few lost shows such as Channel Partners and the CompTIA membership meetings. Liberman speculates that there will be a

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