Sponsored Post: Introducing Jabra’s Partner of the Month Program

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jabraminiShare your success stories with us and you will be rewarded!

Jabra's SMB Partner of the Month program recognizes those partners that

have clearly demonstrated how the right Jabra communications devices can solve complex, mission-critical challenges for their SMB customers. We are looking for stories that showcase how you have deployed Jabra's communications solutions to your SMB customers to increase their productivity, collaboration, and success.

What's in it for you?

Being selected as Jabra's SMB partner of the month has many benefits. Your company will be featured on Jabra's SMB website and in our monthly SMB newsletter. The winner of the partner of the month program as well as the customer story will be featured on SMBnation.com. SMBnation.com has 57,000 unique visitors every month and is the leading source of SMB IT related news.

*Every qualified customer testimonial submitted will result in a $50 spiff payout.

(Only the first 50 qualified testimonials each quarter will receive the spiff award)

The Submission Process


The first step in developing your testimonial is filling out the online questionnaire. Once you fill you the online form we will send you a release agreement letter so that we can use the collateral.


After receiving the signed agreement letter and testimonial questionnaire, we will develop a rough draft of your testimonial and send it to you for your input and approval.


When you are happy with the content, we will send you a draft in the Jabra template and ask you to e-mail back to us with confirmation, that you are happy for the story to be used.

For more details and access to the submission form click here: http://smbworkstyle.com/partnerprogram/partnermonth.html