With many requests to learn more about Office 365 and Windows 10, SMB Nation has teamed with Microsoft to bring you a three day webinar serie
starting February 23rd to February 25th focusing on Office 365 and Windows 10. This webinar series will help you learn everything from deploying Windows 10 to gaining immediate knowledge of key features. Join SMB Nation and Grant Thompson for this amazing deep dive.
February 23rd Webinar
Ten Killer Features in Windows 10
This session will take you through what’s best in Windows 10. Expert Grant Thompson will filter out the “noise” so customers receive “signal” ad are immediately productive at the end of this one hour investment. Discover:: 1.The Start button (Yah!) 2.Windows Store Apps 3.Cortana
February 24th Webinar
Deploying Windows 10 (part 2 of 3)
This session will take you through Windows10 deployment from an outside-looking-in independent expert viewpoint. Needless to say, there are new and updated ways to deploy Windows 10. In this session, we review new recommendations for upgrading existing devices using a simple in-place upgrade process, provisioning tools for transforming new devices into ones ready for enterprise use, as well as updates to traditional deployment tools and techniques (ADK and beyond).
February 25th Webinar
Windows 10 + Office 365 & Special Topics = Immediate Knowledge Power!
Join us for Part III of our three-part webinar series focused on Windows 10. In this instalment, we direct our expertise to discussing Office 365 integrations with Windows 10 plus a host of special topics that have accumulated over the first two webinars. Topics include: •Windows 10 with Office 365 is the Azure AD Join •Any special reason why you are still using Office 2013 instead of Office 2016? •What’s the current state of OneDrive storage with Windows 10 and Office 365?