Building Relationships as a Small Business Owner

Business Speak

Every successful executive and entrepreneur will tell you, their most important asset is their network,  and not their social media network but the network of people they actually know and work with.  Not only does relationship building pertain to individuals it also plays a huge role in a businesses success. 

Weather you are a small or big business the customers you have and the relationships you build directly relate to your growth and profit.  Beatrice Phillips shares with us how she is building connections to help form relationships, to grow her business.   



Video Transaction

Harry Brelsford 

Hey nation nation back with Beatrice. Always a pleasure boy going on over 20 years of professional friendship and friendship. How you doing?

Beatrice Phillips 


Harry Brelsford 

The, well, hey, you got a lot going on, you always have a lot going on. So what's news? Would you know, as we head into 2022? Are you involved in some new endeavors? What's up?

Beatrice Phillips 

Oh, yeah, well, you know, I'm a regional director for the Alpha Group, you already know that. And I'm, I've been very active on Alignable. You know, I've, um, which is a social media platform for small business. In the contest. Yes. So okay. Yeah. So we talked about that. So yes, I got second runner up for all of the US, which is awesome. And what we're doing now, through Alignable, actually, I be I became an ambassador, because I actually, I'm an admin in a group in Alignable, called Ask SMB anything, owners. And we are literally launching expert webinars in there. So I'm holding weekly expert webinars where I invite guests to speak. And then this is Thursdays and Fridays, I do like a mastermind session, you know, sales, marketing, whatever comes up. So I have that going on. But now, this is an initiative driven through Alignable, which, by the way, has now grown to a platform of 7 million users. And it's called the Alignable Alliance. And their focus is to really bring business to Mainstreet and we are launching in person networking events in Orlando, and the first event, okay, is going to be November 18, at the Orlando brewery. Yay, I know. It's like go at the brewery, hey, gotta gotta have a way to pull people in. To better focus is really to foster community and build relationships. And so the meetings will be moving the next day, we have a breakfast meeting at Cafe 407, which is near the airport in Orlando. So you're welcome to fly in and visit. And what we're going to do is we're going to keep moving the meetings around to different members and their locations to help them build their business. So this is this is the liable part. So and I don't work for liable, but I just I love the platform. It's just such a breath of fresh air compared to other media platforms. And one thing that's not allowed is when you're integral, you cannot spam your stuff. So you have quality conversations going on.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, yeah. No, and I joined it when you were running, and I had to vote, you have to sign up and I get their periodic emails. Now. I'm gonna make a note because I need to do more. With that. Alignable I need to get back on it. Hey, one thought is, we're coming up on November 27. Is Small Business Saturday. So make a side note of that maybe Alignable can get involved in that. You know, I've been involved in that for years. And it's the last Saturday of November. Well, let me put it this way. It's the Saturday after Black Fridays, whatever that data is small business. And it's a lot of fun. I'm going to go out shoot a little film and quite frankly, go spend a few shekels on Main Street here in Dripping Springs, Texas, right. I'm gonna, I'm going to go by that bear.

Beatrice Phillips 

No, I think it's super important. If you think that it's really the small businesses that are driving the economy, you always hear about the large companies are gonna clean up online on Black Friday. So yes, you know, Small Business Saturday, it's how long has this been going on? I mean, it's been going on for years.

Harry Brelsford 

Yeah, yeah, it's at least 10 years old, if not 15. So. And the reason I'm so excited about it and do something every year is I'd like to see it be as popular as Black Friday or Cyber Monday. Unfortunately, it doesn't have the reputation or the gravitas of those other two major holidays, but it should, right. Yes, globally. There's a lot of small businesses.

Beatrice Phillips 

That is actually really good point. I can definitely put some announcements in my groups, and to remind people of that. All right.

Harry Brelsford 

Well, thanks for your time, as always, thank you.

Beatrice Phillips 

Alright, good to talk to you, Harry.