
Thu, Mar

2016 Webinars


Webinar: 4Q MSP Analyst Report = Last Webinar of Year!

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, December 22nd, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Tim Carlsen Strategic Advisor/Corporate Development

Before 2016 ends, join us for our last webinar of the year, the popular 4Q MSP Analyst Report. Each quarter, SMB Nation team brings you the good, bad and ugly observations in the MSP technology community.

Topics include:

  • Non-Partisan Election Analysis
  • Economy of One
  • Basic Analytics You Can Do in 2017
  • Lesson Learned: Engagement doesn’t lead to Conversions
  • Portfolio Adjustments including an M&A Update 
  • Community Corner

Most importantly, arm yourself with the facts (not fake news) about the current condition of the MSP community so you can rock in 2017. It's NOW TIME again!

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Webinar: Making and Saving money with laaS Clouds

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, December 15th, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Kirill Bensonoff Founder at Unigma

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Webinar: Stockholm Syndrome in IT - Tape Backup

SMB Nation Webinar Tuesday, December 13th, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Chris Sterbenc Channel Cheif at Infrascale

Efficiency losses are real, and this webinar will discuss on of the biggest losses incurred by IT departments.  This risk extends to existential threats like downtime caused by ransomware- tape backup systems.

Join Infrascales's Channel Chieif Chris Sterbenc, to talk about how IT departments and businesses can get unstuck from behind the tape backup barrier to greater efficiency and protection.

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Webinar: Do Clients Really Need SaaS Application Backup to Keep Their Data Safe?

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, December 8th, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Martin Merrell Senior Sales Engineer at Storagecraft

There are 7 ways you can respond to the question, “Do my clients really need SaaS application backup?” All of which have become famous last words:

  • Since my data is already in the cloud, it is already backed up and safe
  • We have good, highly trained admins and users and very efficient systems
  • If we need something, we just put in a request to the application vendor
  • No one would ever want to hijack my data, we are too small to be a target
  • Our people are careful and would only throw away incorrect or outdated files
  • We comply with all necessary government or agency policies and regulations
  • We can get what we need, when we need it, and in the original format

In this webinar, you will learn exactly why these phrases are famous last words when it comes to keeping SaaS data safe and readily accessible after a disaster, but more importantly, you’ll learn the easy steps you can take to avoid their disastrous consequences.

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Webinar:  How to Transform Your Company's Business Communications 

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, December 1st, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Tim Sullivan VP Sales at Ooma Inc.

The landscape of communications has changed with the number of mobile and remote workers in today’s economy. Learn how new technology can provide greater communications capabilities and efficiency for your business.

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Webinar:  Rethinking DR: The Cloud Changes Everything

SMB Nation Webinar Tuesday, November 22nd, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Chris Sterbenc Channel Chief, SVP of Sales of Infrascale

Traditional disaster recovery solutions rely on expensive hardware-centric approaches. As hardware reaches its end-of-life, companies that had been running their own secondary sites see disaster recovery as a service (DRaaS) as an opportunity to replace outdated equipment with Cloud-based technologies that eliminate the CAPEX.

As operational uptime has become a business necessity, DRaaS isn't being treated as an experiment or pilot project anymore. On the contrary, 50,000 production systems are now being hosted by DRaaS in 2016, up from 30,000 at the end of 2015, and the double-digit growth rate is expected to continue for years to come.

In this session, we'll help you make the transition to the cloud.

  • Discuss the evolution of DRaaS
  • How DRaaS works
  • Ransomware protection & push-button failover
  • Key questions for vetting would-be solution providers

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Webinar:  Success Stories: How 3 MSPs Boosted Their Revenue with Microsoft Cloud Solutions

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, November 17th, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Mathieu Leblanc of SherWeb

Have you ever wondered why some channel partners are more successful than others? It takes more than just a good strategy. During this session, we'll share some real life stories about how our partners have built a successful business in the cloud. Find out how you can use your cloud provider's services to raise your game!

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Webinar:  Mastering the Migration: Moving Your Archive to Office 365

SMB Nation Webinar Thursday, November 10th, 2016 12:00 PM - 1:00 PM PST

Presented by: Harry Brelsford CEO at SMB Nation, and Steve DaglessTransVault Director of Product Management

Organizations maintaining an archive today have an additional challenge when moving to Office 365. Deciding which archive data should be included, whether their new archive data set meets compliance standards and retention policies, all the while presenting a seamless environment for users during the migration adds up to a potentially daunting task. In many cases, the archive alone can halt a migration to Office 365.

In this informative webinar, join industry experts as they discuss:

  • Should it stay or should it go? Deciding what should be moved to Office 365
  • Making the Move Quickly. Taking a look at ways to move archives including the Office 365 Import Service.
  • Organizational Requirements. Addressing legal, chain-of-custody, and compliance issues.

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